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TakoOni last won the day on April 23 2021

TakoOni had the most liked content!

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7 Neutral


About TakoOni

  • Birthday March 3

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  1. TakoOni

    Server down

    Should be good now. Veritas got it sorted.
  2. glad to hear you're feeling better
  3. not quite the title I was going for on the build, but it works 😄
  4. Count me in as well, great way to use some of my back-stock for Logs and More!
  5. to be honest, I was split between Marvel and LotR
  6. but you need phantom membranes to repair elytra in 1.13. phantoms are a necessary evil I'm afraid
  7. I can't tell which mountain range I've set up in
  8. With the launch of the new map in less than 2 weeks, Logs and More has a final special for Map 6. This week we'll be selling Golden Carrots and Cookies. Golden Carrots are 8 for 5 ember Cookies are 16 for 1 ember

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