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Spawn Shops which are inactive

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Hi All,

I use /shops frequently to see what people are selling etc, however ive noticed lots of new players who are active are not able to buy spawn shops, the shops have been expanded which has been a great help, but there are lots of shops all around spawn which players have been inactive for long periods of time without updating their shops.

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7 hours ago, ofLegends said:

What's your suggestion 😛
You didn't actually say.

i put in title Purge the shops then changed my mind as it sounded a little aggresive so i forgot to put something in text box!, but maybe implement rules/ remove shops from inactive players.

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Can you reset the shop for anyone that is derelict for say 90 days, assuming there is someone on the waiting list for a shop. As with any MC server, players will come and go. It helps the community and to retain new members if they are aloud to enjoy all the fun aspects the server has to offer, and one would be shops.

I have another potential suggestion too. Instead of having a spawn shops area have all shops on a players personal build areas. Then maybe at spawn have a directory and tp options to go to the various shops. That way there can be as many shops as there are players and players can make shops look anyway they want. I know some will say, 'you can do that now'. But it is hard for a new player to do that and compete against the spawn shop area and you are not able to actively advertise your shop either so it is kinda impossible. Just a thought.

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Yeah on previous maps we've had shops only last for 1 month, and you had to be online to make sure you bought your shop again otherwise it would reset. The server isn't as busy as it was back then, so I think maybe every 3 months would be okay, but then again some of us have paid for 1 or 2 years worth of rent already 😛

One potential problem is that, if we reset all these shops, the /shops might start looking barren and empty. Right now, it looks lived in (even though it's kind of an illusion what with all the inactive players). If there are more and more empty shops sitting there every few months, it will look worse even if there would be more spaces to choose from.

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I think we player should be able to modreq empty shops where the player has been inactive, then a mod/staff can place a sign (depending on the case) in front of the saying empty. cause that is more frustrating when going into a shop and thinking they got stuff in stock, of course, player must be allowed to take a break, but think it should be a 2-4 month grace period. cause if it is marked as empty then it's not as frustrating to check for new players and go into an inactive players shop that is out of stock.

but the long term solution is to get back the system where we were only allowed to buy for 1 month extra.

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Etsi used to be the store cleaner after the rent period ran out.

Last map we had an area in the sewers when we would move and clear all chests from an abandoned shop.

Yeah, takes time and effort for mods to do that when a store runs out of its occupancy and another wants to move in.

Is it possible when the rent is due to auto send a reminder and if the rent is not renewed is not paid the shop space auto resets?

Remind me, pay rent now lol

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10 hours ago, GeoStar13 said:

Etsi used to be the store cleaner after the rent period ran out.

Last map we had an area in the sewers when we would move and clear all chests from an abandoned shop.

Yeah, takes time and effort for mods to do that when a store runs out of its occupancy and another wants to move in.

Is it possible when the rent is due to auto send a reminder and if the rent is not renewed is not paid the shop space auto resets?

Remind me, pay rent now lol

Didn't we have that on map 3 (don't know about other maps) that if the space ran out of rent and wasn't renewed, it just auto-reset?

Maybe that's me not knowing what's going on behind the scenes.

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I'm sure there's a way to set it up so that WE would automatically empty the region space, but I doubt there's a way to store the blocks deleted, along with chest contents. 😕

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